Today I was surfing the web looking for some content that would expand my designing horizon. I am always searching for new good design blogs or books to tell me something new about design and you should be to. The world keeps on spinning and things are changing faster then ever in this fast paced world so remember to always look for new things and trends that can make you a better designer!
So here I was searching the web when I came across, an online library of free ebooks. I thought that this would be another waste of time as many such sites just gives you non working links or want you to click their ads. I was surprised to find out that this site was not one of them as here you can actually read the ebooks directly on their website. I did a search for website design and I got a really long list of PDF and DOC files. I started to skim through them and some were very good and some were very bad, but the good ones outweighed the bad ones for sure. So I was going through the PDF files when I came across a web design pricing sheet. This could be very helpful to a newbie trying to pitch to possible clients. You can use it as a cheat sheet to help you start out and figure out what kind of packages you should offer and what kind of prices you should charge.
There were many other hidden gems and I am sure that I have also missed many due to large volume of documents available on the site. I recommend that you visit the site and see for yourself. I was surprised at the volume of information that I found on this website, anything from web design to obscure topics like world geography for upsc can be found here. I advise you to visit the site and take a look at what they are offering, I have it bookmarked already :)
Until next time, have a great designing day/week/month and if you like my posts, leave a comment ;)